I can't seem to make myself be disciplined enough to read through the whole recipe before I start so I'm frequently met, halfway through the recipe, with ingredients that we don't have, and in one of these recipes, as I was making the batter, I suddenly discovered that the recipe called for Lemon Curd!
Lemon curd contains eggs (and is horrible anyway!) so of course we don't have any, but Sarah managed to concoct something in a great hurry, with lemon zest, arrowroot and water which tasted fairly similar to the lemon curd we remember from school dinners- not sure that's a recommendation, but I hadn't had lemon curd before I moved to the U.K. and had school dinners, and haven't had it since!
So, today, in honour of Pony's birthday 'season' I have made Great-Aunt Edith's (veganized) Lemon Drizzle Cake. I usually make it in a loaf tin as I like the cake to be slightly deeper in relation to the topping. But I made it in a cake tin this time as we are taking it over when we visit our best friends Paula, Karl and Amy tomorrow and thought it would be easier to share between 8 people if it was a bigger cake but I wish I hadn't as even though I reduced cooking time from 45 minutes to 30 I think it could have done with even less and also it's come a little flat as I cooked it in such a big tin... Anyhoo, it's done now...
Yesterday I took Pony into town with me as I had some errands to run and she needed some shoes. We normally look on ebay which can filter out urrghy shoes made of skin but sizing can get a bit random which can be problematic when you are buying online so we thought we'd have a crack at going to a Real Shop and trying them on instead...which turned into a bit of a saga..

Then Pony decided she had been too quick to dismiss the shoes in the first shop and wanted to go back and try them on so back we trailed to the first shop where Pony spent ages trying on ankleboots and admiring herself in the mirror, deciding that they made her look Victorian, but then suddenly dissolving in to tears because she decided that if we bought the boots she'd miss strap shoes too much...so we gave up and went and cheered ourselves by going to the chippy and getting ourselves a large portion of chips to share..eaten with wooden chip forks...perfect!
The postscript to the shoes story was that we couldn't find any on ebay that she could accept as she decided all the strap shoes were School Shoes (she is home educated!) so I stopped in town and bought the boots this morning on my way to get the car MOT'd ( it failed, but thanks for asking!)...
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