Friday, 23 September 2011

VegaNation signs up for Vegan MoFo!!

  We're feeling daunted but excited about signing up for vegan MoFo 2011. Inspired by  NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, Vegan MoFo is a month devoted to blogging about vegan food. There has been much discussion at VegaNation about what our theme should be. We love to try new vegan recipes and love looking through recipe books and the internet for new recipes; we've found a lot of ideas on VegWeb and, but, and it's a big but, one of our children has quite a narrow range of meals that she likes and often doesn't like new foods that we try, so there is often quite a gap between the food we'd LIKE to eat and the food we actually DO eat! So, rather than writing a high-falutin'  blog about vegan aspirational bliss, we think that what we'll actually be writing about will be what this particular vegan family REALLY eats! That means we  have to slightly curb our vegan spirit of adventure, but that's simply a reflection of what happens in daily life; we always have to have a 'safe' option for those whose tastes don't extend as far as Jambalaya, Tofu Bennie, or Broccoli in Sweet Garlic Sauce. So, we're thinking that for MoFo we will aim to try an agreed number of new foods each week and see what we all think of them, and for the rest of the week, we will be playing it safe..
  For this purpose, our children will need to have slightly more of a presence in the blog than usual so they have decided to assume dedicated 'MoFo names', so we will be blogging about the gastronomical adventures through the month of October, of those discerning vegan foodies Fin, Pony and Mouse! We hope you enjoy reading our MoFo blog and counting the number of times we resort to Potato Waffles..!!
  On a completely different subject, one of our lovely customers through Twitter sent us a photo of her dog Dewey excitedly examining the parcel she received from our shop VegaNation  this morning and she was happy to let us share it- cute!

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